About Us

Novametal Wire UK Ltd, previously known as Techwire International Ltd, was formed in 1997 to stock and supply stainless steel wire to the UK & Ireland market.

Having been one of Techwire’s major suppliers for several years Novametal SA acquired a controlling stake in the company in 2006.

Novametal SA was founded in 1982 in Rancate, Switzerland to specialise in the manufacture of Stainless Steel, Aluminium and Nickel Alloy wires for a variety of applications.

Since this time the original facility has been developed in line with the continuing expansion of the business and achieved a global reputation for technical and commercial expertise. Over the years the Novametal Group has evolved to meet the demands of the worldwide market and now has various production and stockholding facilities globally.

Techwire International Ltd was acquired fully by the Novametal Group in 2016.
Due to the continued growth and expansion of the Novametal Group it was concluded global branding was necessary therefore in 2019 Techwire International Ltd was renamed Novametal Wire UK Ltd.


Novametal Wire UK is based on an ethical and professional code governing all business issues.

On this foundation we raise the awareness of our staff to operate and co-operate in full compliance with Health and Safety, Environment, Integrity, Trust, Diversity and Excellence.

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